Frequently Asked Questions

A research scholar must have the knowledge of the following fields to complete research effectively and efficiently-

  1.  Theoretical & Conceptual clarity of the subject and the Topic.

  2.  Review of previous researches / literature.

  3.  Research gap and hypotheses development during the review.

  4.  Clarity of Research objectives

  5.  Thorough knowledge of research methodology (knowledge of variables, questionnaire designing, data collection, data coding & editing)

  6.  Knowledge of statistical tools (SPSS, AMOS, R, etc)

  7.  Applied statistics (which statistical tests should be used for data analysis and how to interpret the results?)

  8.  How to conclude on the basis of findings?

If a research scholar does not possess all the above competence, then it is obvious that he/she needs our guidance; and even if a research scholar possesses all the above competence, still he/she need our guidance for improving the quality of the research. Justification of our claim can be understood from the following points-

  1.  We just do not guide you to complete your research for getting degree & the title ‘Dr.’, rather we guide and train to make you competent enough so that you may be able to guide other research scholars in the future.

  2.  We will let you work on at least 10 real life research projects simultaneously with your PhD/research.

  3.  We will provide you expert guidance and let you interact with one of the world’s best subject experts (online).

  4.  You will be able to publish research paper (SCOPUS indexed / UGC care list journals) based on each of your research objective.

  5.  We will prepare you in such a way that during viva-voce, not even a single unexpected question can be asked by the panel of experts.


There may be short cuts of getting a degree; but there can never be any short cut of acquiring knowledge.

  •  We never tell anyone short cut, we teach our research scholars smart ways of acquiring knowledge and skills.

  •  We will develop your interest not only for your research topic but for knowledge of related subject in particular and the research in general.

  •  You will be able to continue doing research on new topics even after completion of your present research.

  •  We will make your research journey a pleasant experience; we will let you enjoy the expansion of knowledge.