Ph.D. Researches/Corporate Projects

Following are the topics of some of the researches guided by Prof. (Dr.) Ileyas Rizvi.

      •    A Comparative study of the level of stress, anxiety and behavioural disorders among public and private school students.

      •    A study of Problem recognition, internal & External information search in book-buying behaviour process.

      •    A study of reasons and criteria of Buying Book.

      •    A study of the relationship between university climate, organizational commitment and job satisfaction of university teachers.

      •    A study on antecedents and consequential behavioural disorders among primary school students of Lucknow.

      •    A study on identifying the reasons of indulgence in bullying.

      •    A study on mutual fund performance and its impact on investment by retail investors.

      •    A study on the ‘Problems in achieving higher education’.

      •    A study on the association between determinants of service quality and the overall satisfaction of the Student in Government and Private Institute.

      •    A study on the association between types of institution and factors of leadership styles and conflict management competence.

      •    A study on the association between types of institution and grievance handling mechanism in educational institutions

      •    A study on the awareness level of the consumers towards financial inclusion initiatives of the Commercial Banks in Uttar Pradesh.

      •    A study on the benefits and impact of Financial Inclusion on Socio-Economic Status.

      •    A study on the Financial Service Quality of RRBs for microfinance to ensure sustainability and enabling their growth in Uttar Pradesh.

      •    A study on the identification of the present industrial scenario, distribution of industries and industrial potentiality in U.P.

      •    A study on the impact of bullying on the bullied children.

      •    A study on the perception of the consumers and bank officials towards financial inclusion initiatives taken by the Commercial Banks.

      •    A study on the reasons/motivation for getting higher education.

      •    A study on the relatedness of the reasons of attrition with existing HR Practices /Policies.

      •    A study on the relatedness of the reasons of Employee Retention with existing HR Practices /Policies.

      •    Accounting Practices and Performance of Small and Medium-scale Enterprises (SMEs) in Egypt.

      •    Advertising efficiency and profitability: Evidence from the pharmaceutical industry.

      •    Advertising, industry innovation, and entry deterrence.

      •    Alternative Investment Opportunities in Real Estate for Individual Investors.

      •    An Analysis of the investment behavior of the retail investors.

      •    An Analysis of the potentiality (loan repayment capacity) of unorganised sector employees on the basis of ratio analysis related to their disposable and discretionary income.

      •    An analysis of the purpose of utilisation of loan (Business purpose & Personal purpose) and consumers’ satisfaction.

      •    An assessment of the level of resiliency among bullied children.

      •    An exploratory study on determining the types of bullying most prevalently practised by the children.

      •    Analysis and comparison of the performance of RRBs with Scheduled Commercial Banks.

      •    Analysis and comparison of the role of RRBs in Microfinance with other financial institution for the economic development of rural people.

      •    Assessment of road traffic noise and its effect on health.

      •    Book purchase behaviour amongst academicians in management institutions in India.

      •    Bullying among children

      •    Buzz Marketing a tool to Promote Ideas & Services.

      •    Carbon emission reduction.

      •    Climate change

      •    Competitive persuasive advertising under consumer loss aversion.

      •    Conflict management

      •    Consumer engagement via cause-related marketing.

      •    Corporate environmental reporting in the public and private sector.

      •    Corporate Social Responsibility.

      •    Customer perception and response in legal services marketing

      •    Data-driven marketing.

      •    Destination marketing  

      •    Destination tourism marketing: Prerequisites and critical success factors.

      •    Difference between the Micro Enterprise and Small Enterprise for Entrepreneurial Traits.

      •    Direct effect of advertising spending on firm value: Moderating role of financial analyst coverage.

      •    E-cigarette advertising encourages adult smokers.

      •    Effective entrepreneurial marketing on Social media.

      •    Employability skills for future marketing professionals.

      •    Employee dissatisfaction and attrition in the government sector.

      •    Evaluation and comparison of the socio-economic impact of CSR initiatives undertaken by Government and Private sector companies for economic growth.

      •    Evaluation of companies’ acceptability, ethical practices and abidance of the company to CSR guidelines and laws for promoting Corporate Social Responsibility.

      •    Evaluation of online advertising effect on consumer awareness.

      •    Examining the effects of celebrity trust on advertising credibility, brand credibility and corporate credibility

      •    Exploratory research on identifying victims of a bully.

      •    Exploratory research on Women Entrepreneurial Traits.

      •    Exploring the effect of green marketing on consumers' purchase decisions from consumers’ perspective.

      •    Facebook advertising effectiveness: A Psychological perspective.

      •    Factors of assessing the quality of advertising services.

      •    Factors that motivate women in Their Small Business in the United Arab Emirates.

      •    Financial inclusion

      •    Housing finance

      •    ICT Practice and Performance of Microfinance Institutions in Indonesia.

      •    Identification of economic, social & political impact of Microfinance on Rural Development & Poverty Alleviation

      •    Identification of major causes as well as destructive consequences of existing conflicts between teachers and management in the educational institutions.

      •    Identification of the important factors of disparity for achieving higher education.

      •    Identification of the important factors of Financial Services from the consumers’ and bank officials’ perspectives.

      •    Identification of the important factors of job satisfaction in government and private universities.

      •    Identification of the important factors that determine service quality in government and private management institutions

      •    Identification of the major factors of Investment behaviour of the retail investors in the mutual fund.

      •    Identification of the major factors of the Investment objective of the retail investors in mutual funds.

      •    Identification of the major factors related to the Micro Housing Finance Facility Structure for the unorganized sector employees in NCR, India.

      •    Identification of the major reasons of non-investment in mutual fund in the future by the retail investors.

      •    Identification of the most important initiatives in promoting Corporate Social Responsibility from the Company Executives’ and Beneficiaries’ Perception.

      •    Identification of the most important obstacles in the beginning stage and the Running Stage of the business for Micro Enterprise and Small Enterprise.

      •    Identification of the most important Problems & Challenges in Practicing Financial Inclusion from the consumers’ and bank officials’ perspectives.

      •    Impact of Conflicting marketing decisions on team performance.

      •    Impact of conflicts on the performance of employees.

      •    Impact of cooperative learning on the effectiveness of mathematical creativity.

      •    Impact of CSR on society and its development from Company Executives’ Perception.

      •    Impact of Hiring Practices, Performance appraisal & Training Practices and Pay Practices, on H.R. Strategy in DPSUs in India.

      •    Impact of leadership and conflict management style on the organisational commitment: a study of universities in Lucknow.

      •    Impact of Leadership Effectiveness on Organizational Performance in United Arab Emirates.

      •    Impact of Microfinance on Economic and Social Status.

      •    Impact of Organisational commitment, Organisational climate & Job satisfaction on strong sense of belongingness to the university.

      •    Impact of Psychographic Factors, Socio-cultural Factors, Strategic and Business environment Factors, Financial Factors, Personal & Social Competence Factors (Independent Variables) on Dependent Variable: Level of Problems & Challenges.

      •    Impact of RRBs & microfinance on Socio-Economic development, Rural Development & Poverty Alleviation.

      •    Impact of SQL dimension (Personal & Social Competence, Service Delivery, Core Service Policy, Tangibles, Teachers’ (service providers’) Empowerment Policy, Emotional Ignorance / Unawareness, Emotional Intelligence (Positivity)) on overall satisfaction in Government Institutions.

      •    Impact of Training Methods on Employee Performance in the banking industry in the UAE.

      •    Important factors of satisfaction of Microfinance users utilizing loan for business and personal purpose.

      •    Informative advertising in a distribution channel.

      •    Innovativeness and business strategies for Small scale industries.

      •    Investigating the effect of customers’ perception of bank marketing communication on customer loyalty.

      •    Investigating the Internal Factors of Organization affecting the Bank's performance in Iran.

      •    Investigating the knowledge level of children about bullying.

      •    Investigating the role of social media marketing on value co-creation and engagement.

      •    Major constrains and problems affecting the industrial development in U.P.

      •    Marketing ecosystem: An outside-in view for sustainable advantage.

      •    Marketing of Educational Services

      •    Marketing of Library Services.

      •    Marketing of Pharmacy Services

      •    Marketing of religious services 

      •    Measuring service quality in management education: A study of government and private institutions of Uttar Pradesh.

      •    Modern Education as well as Islamic education and their association with Demographic factors.

      •    Most important factors of organizational commitment in government and private universities.

      •    Mutual funds

      •    Organizational climate in government and private universities.

      •    Organizational Culture and the Creation of a Dynamic Environment for Effective Performance through Team Work in the Public sector of Bahrain.

      •    Personality traits, skills set and strategies that make an entrepreneur Successful: An analytical study of medium enterprises.

      •    Positive Effects of Disruptive Advertising on Consumer Preferences.

      •    Poverty alleviation

      •    Pre & Post Purchase Dissonance in book buying decision making. 

      •    Problems and challenges of higher education for women.

      •    Problems in industrialization.

      •    Public relations, reputation and social marketing for government institutions.

      •    Reasons for Growth for Micro Enterprise and Small Enterprise.

      •    Role and impact of microfinance on rural development.

      •    Role of commercial banks in financial inclusion.

      •    Role of H.R. strategies, talent management and performance management on minimizing the attrition in DPSUs.

      •    Service quality in education.

      •    Social entrepreneurship and organizational performance.

      •    Social media as a promotional tool in the tourism industry

      •    Strategic green marketing for competitive advantage.

      •    Sustainable marketing activities of traditional fashion market and brand loyalty.

      •    Tax Incentives and Foreign Direct Investment in India.

      •    The contribution of business intelligence to strategic management.

      •    The Effect of Risk Perception on Customer Decisions.

      •    The effectiveness of co-operative learning based pedagogy in enhancing creativity.

      •    The effectiveness of green advertising in the convention industry. 

      •    The effects of Merger and strategic alliance on firm value.

      •    The Impact Analysis of Revenue and Cost Information towards Strategic Decision Making.

      •    The Impact of Integration Quality on Customer Equity.

      •    The impact of social media on brand awareness: An analysis exploring the attitude of the consumer towards selected brands.

      •    The interdependencies of personal and social competence of employees and service delivery efficiency in the health care sector.

      •    The role of artificial intelligence on digital marketing.

      •    The role of social media marketing in branding activities.

      •    The unexploited potential of B2B advertising.

      •    Use of E-marketing tools as communication management in the tourism industry.

      •    Use of Subliminal messaging in advertising.

      •    Vaccine-related advertising in the Facebook Ad Archive.

      •    Value co-creation in service marketing.

      •    Value creation through business intelligence.

      •    Value-Based Marketing of Industrial Services.

      •    Women entrepreneurship.

      •    Working capital management.



        •     Reasons for committing suicide by personnel in defence forces.

        •     Improving Service Quality and service delivery process in the health care sector.

        •      Assessment of disposable income of unorganised sector employees for obtaining the loan.

        •     Conflict Management & Emotional Intelligence competence of Police Personnel: A study of Image, HRM & Service delivery process in the Police Department.